This weekend, per usual, I had to work. I was a little bummed out that I missed going to my uncle's cookout but they understood and even saved me some food. I didn't think I was going to get to end up having any fun over the 4th because of work but I got out of work on time SURPRISE and went with some friends and got to see some fireworks!

Surprise! One of my very good friends from college got engaged a few weeks ago and they've already scheduled their wedding for August (as in next month). I'm so surprised that it's happening so fast but hey, as a friend you support them. I've known him for FOREVER and I can't believe he's going to have a wife! Congrats Chad!!!

Chad in the center, I on the right circa 2002
Saturday I went out shopping and was hoping to find something great in all of the holiday sales, well SURPRISE! I found not 1 but 2 dresses. I can't decide on which one to wear to the wedding so expect to see them tomorrow. I'll need everyone's opinion.
And the best surprise, my best best best friend will be coming back into town next month! Yay! Which means another day at the lake and great times with friends!
Glad you were able to have some fun over the weekend! :) YAY for your best friend coming into town! I love weekends with a best friend!
Wow! Your friend is planning a quick wedding! Brave woman!
Awe, what a great weekend!
That first picture is amazing!
Yay for awesome weekends!
Glad your weekend was filled with surprises! So fun!
Glad you got to see the fireworks.. I worked too and then hubby and I went to see eclipse BEST ONE YET!
I wish my friends came to town.. its a little hard when they are 2000 miles
Looks like you got some great suprises in on your weekend after all!
I know Chad from Marshall! Can't wait to see your dresses :)
can't wait to see the dresses! I'm sure they are both adorable!
Sounds like a fun filled weekend :) yay for your best friend coming!! Hope your week goes by fast & your weekend slow!!
Glad you enjoyed your weekend :) and I'm happy you get to see your best friend. They are very important people ;)
bye for now, xoxox jessica-lauren
Boo on having to work, but glad you got to enjoy some of the weekend! Crazy about the quick wedding! I'd lose my sanity! haha! :)
So sorry you had to work but glad you could still fit in some fun. Hope you had a fabulous 4th!
Good Morning!
Nothing like catching up with a friend! I left a little something for you on my latest post. Hope you have a great week! Candace
can't wait to see those dresses! I nominated you for a blog award (I finally got my first one! YAY!)
Glad to hear you got some surprises! Sounds like a great weekend. I love your suit in the last picture by the way. The polka dots are cute. Have a good week.
Sounds like a good weekend lady!
What a fun weekend!
Fun weekend!
Ours kind of sucked weather wise. Nothing puts a literal damper on the holiday weekend like low clouds, rain and only 60 deg. outside.
I am happy to hear you got some fireworks into your 4th.
Congrats to your friend... how exciting! Even though you worked a lot, I hope you had a wonderful 4th!
Engagements are the best because that means a wedding, and who doesn't love a good wedding?
I'm glad you were able to squeeze in some fun amidst all the working... Yay for your best friend coming!
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