Friday, July 23, 2010

Christmas In July Giveaway!

On Tuesday I attended a Christmas in July theme party, found here incase you missed that post. Well that got me into a pretty festive spirit and I've decided to host a giveaway!!! 
That's right, welcome to my Christmas in July giveaway! 
One lucky winner will receive a surprise item/items. What did you think I was going to tell you what's in the bag? It's Christmas people, surprise is a major element to presents! I will tell you it's size does allow it to find inside a paper lunch bag. (And no this isn't a sponsored giveaway, I just decided to do something fun!)

How do you win this great Christmas in July giveaway? Well there's a few ways:
1. Follow my blog
2. Follow me on twitter jmomiller
3. "Like" me on facebook
4. Tweet about this giveaway 
5. Participate in next week's Theater Thursday (July 29th)

Remember to leave a SEPARATE comment for each entry (5 max) because I will be using to decide the winner. If separate comments are not left, then only one entry will be used. This giveaway will end next Friday (July 30th) night at 12:00pm est. The winner will be announced on July 31st. That's also when the actual gift will be revealed as well.


Amber @ A Little Pink in the Cornfields said...

I'm a follower on Blogger!

Amber @ A Little Pink in the Cornfields said...

I am also a follower on Twitter! :)

Amber @ A Little Pink in the Cornfields said...

I tweeted!

Anonymous said...

What a cute idea. Something to get us all in the Christmas spirit. =]

I'm a follower!

Abbie said...

How fun is this?! Well you know I'm a follower and I'll be sure to head over to FB right now! I've haven't hopped on the Twitter train, so unfortunately I can't tweet about it!

Steph said...

Oh cool. I am a follower.

Steph said...

And I already like you on facebook.

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Well considering how much I respond to your tweets, you know I follow you on Twitter ;-)

Nicole said...

I love this giveaway!! Of course I follow your blog! :)

Nicole said...

I follow on twitter too :) @MissNicoley

Random Musings said...


I follow.. but I have not figured out the tweet thing yet?

Nicole said...

Yup and I liked your FB! Apprarently I stalk you on all social networking sites :p

Draea Lael (Rose) said...

Been stalking, er...following!


Nicole said...


Samantha said...


Samantha said...

I "like" you on FB!

Samantha said...

I follow your blog- duh....

Nicole said...

how stinkin' fun!
i follow!

AuntBT said...

I'm a follower!

Nicole said...

and i follow on twitter.

AuntBT said...

I'm a follower on twitter!

Samantha said...

Tweeted bout the free stuff! ;)

Anonymous said...

i follow your blog

Anonymous said...

i follow you on twitter

krystal said...

I'm following your blog!

krystal said...

I'm your Twitter buddy! @KrystalS

krystal said...


Stephanie said...

Ohhh fun!
I follow you blog:)

Stephanie said...

I follow you on twitter:)

Stephanie said...

I like you on face book!
modernmom at rocket mail dot com

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

How funny are you! This is a good one! It's like buying a grab back of stuff. I'm in I'm a follower!

Queen of the Rant said...

Sweet idea, I am already a follower so I hope I win, it better not just be a bag :(

Unknown said...

I follow your blog!

Unknown said...

I follow you on Twitter


Brittany Ann said...

I follow you here!

Brittany Ann said...

And I follow you on Twitter:)

Tamara said...

I follow (and love) your blog!

Tamara said...

I follow you on Twitter!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

oh fun! surprises are great.

i follow with google.

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

twitter follow: @shootingstarmag

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Sarah said...

Oooh, I'm intrigued!

I'm a follower! =)

Sarah said...

I follow you on Twitter!

Sarah said...

I "like" you. ;-)

Katie said...

Twitter follower!!

Katie said...

I don't Like you on FB, I LOVE you on FB!

Katie said...

annnnnd I of course follow you because i LOVE LOVE LOVE x-mas!!!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Cute giveaway!

Shoshanah said...

I'm a follower!

Shoshanah said...

I'm also a follower on twitter! Can't wait to find out what's inside!

tara said...

omg. surprises make me so anxious. i'm a follower!

tara said...

and i follow on the twit. (@fabulousbutevil)

Candace said...

I am already a follower!

Candace said...

I am a follower on Twitter too. In fact, thanks to your encouragement, I have a twitter account....but I can never remember to log into it and use it. Oooops!

Candace said...

I already like you....but now I like you on facebook too!

Candace said...

Just tweeted!


Leslie @ A Blonde Ambition said...

Proud to be a follower, girl!

Leslie @ A Blonde Ambition said...

Now following on Twitter!!

Unknown said...

I follow you already!

Unknown said...

I sent you a request to follow on twitter.

meeyeehere said...

Hi,I am a new blog follower!! I like surprises!!! Please count me in too!

meeyeehere said...

I follow you on twitter@meeyeehere

Kristen said...

I follow your blog!!! So exciting... what a fun giveaway!

Kristen said...

And I like you on FB :)

Hutch said...

What a great giveaway!! I'm a follower

Hutch said...

and I follow on Twitter!

Ashley said...

I'm a follower, of course! :)

love jenny xoxo said...

I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog!

Anonymous said...

I also like you on FB!

Unknown said...

Oh exciting, I love surprises! I'm a follower!

Unknown said...

And I follow on twitter!

Karren said...

How fun! I follow your blog!

Newlywed Next Door said...

I follow!

Lisa said...

I follow your blog!

Kerr said...

I follow you! and July 31st is my bday. How great would that be?!

"Cookie" said...

I'm a follower! :)

"Cookie" said...

On Tweeter too. :)

Becky said...

I am a blog follower!

Becky said...

I also follow you on twitter!!

Annie said...

hey girly! please count me in :)
i'm a follower of your blog!

Annie said...

follow you on twitter!!

Annie said...

& i "like" you on FB!!

happy wednesday!

mrs.mfc said...

I'm a follower :)

mrs.mfc said...

I have sent you a request on twitter! mrs_mfc

Laura said...

a secret christmas in july!?? i'm on board!

❈ Annie - Blonde Glambition ❈ said...

I'm a follower on your blog :)

❈ Annie - Blonde Glambition ❈ said...

I just sent a follow request to your twitter :)

Nicole said...

Participated in Theater Thursday....even though you havent posted it...this is kind of awkward lol

JMJE said...

Nice giveaway. I follow your blog.

JMJE said...

I also follow you on twitter

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen, I participated in Theater Thursday this week. =]

Anonymous said...

How fun! I LOVE surprises! I already follow your blog. :O)

Anonymous said...

I already follow you on Twitter!

Anonymous said...

I tweeted!

Are you missing Christmas time and surprise presents? Check out this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I can't like you on FB because I don't have an account that goes with my secret identity. LoL

Anonymous said...

I left my link for Monday Movie Madness on your post today! Here it is also...