Tuesday, July 13, 2010

On the Wagon!

I usually don't jump on the bandwagon but this time I just couldn't pass it up. It looks like so much fun! So without further ado, I've joined in for the Blog Bash! 
Blog Bash
First, I need to introduce myself to new readers: 
I'm Jennifer, I'm in my mid-20's, born and raised in West Virginia and graduated from Marshall University. I'm a big fan of traveling and do it as often as possible. I love to watch reality television, take ridiculous photos of me with food, blog and in the winter you can usually find me knitting and eating popcorn. I usually can be found on the go. If I have at least 2 days off in a row, I'm usually trying to go on a road trip. I hate being tied down and hope to one day have enough money to just travel non stop. 

Since graduating college (4 years ago...ekk!), I have moved several times. For awhile, I lived in the deep south, working for a government program. It was a great learning experience. Since then, after many different factors, I now reside back in my hometown and am planning a cross country move (which gets closer every day thank goodness). I also have an amazing family, a great circle of friends and someone special in my life. I feel very blessed and hope that life will continue to be filled with happiness and success. 

And now for the Blog Bash questions:
Why do you blog? 
I originally decided to start blogging with a friend for fun. If you go back to my very first post at the end of 2008 you'll see that it's not an "I" post. My best friend and I started blogging but after about 3 weeks, I decided to take it over and it be my space. Now I blog because I want to. It makes me happy and it lets me talk about things that I may or may not get to bring up other times. 
What do you blog about?
Basically anything! I talk about my crazy travel adventures, my neighbors, my daily life, sometimes work but never my relationship. I use to talk about my relationship but then stopped altogether. Slowly, I've been hinting back at it and I'm actually thinking of just revealing us with a photo on here. Good idea or bad idea? I can't decide Haha!

What do you find to be the biggest award you get from blogging?
Hands down, the people. Everyone (excluding one) that I've came into contact with have been nothing but supportive, caring, loving and all around awesome. I love getting to "meet" new people and share in their lives. 
How long have you been blogging?
I started blogging at the end of 2008 and haven't looked back. I love it and as far as I can see, I'm going to keep doing it.
Let's hear the story behind your blog title!
It's me! I'm always getting into Crazy Shenanigans. Live is never boring and it's never predictable. I live and work through it all one crazy adventure at a time and I wouldn't have it any other way. This is my life and I'm living it to the fullest. 


Nicole said...

I have been meaning to jump on this wagon too! I have seen it so many times on my google reader it ridiculous! I love your blog and so glad you stick with it! =D

Candace said...

Good Morning!

I'm so glad that you got on the band wagon and that you shared some more about yourself. It is great to get to know you better. You have been a wonderful encouragement to me on my adventure and I love to see your smiling face around my place. Thanks so much for being you!

Have a great day!

Meghan said...

I love it! Thanks for posting such a wonderfully personal profile of your life! I can't wait to hear more about your adventures!

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

Ohhh I couldn't resist, either! Blog bash=good times!

Dollface said...

oo what is blog bash?? Im going to check it out, thanks! xxxoo

♥ Brittany Ciara ♥ said...

Whoo hoo for jumping on the Bandwagon and joining me and the bashers for some fun!!

It was GREAT getting to know you! I too want to travel the world! Seems like sooo much fun!! I love that you and your friend started blogging together! But looks like you're holding down the fort alone wonderfully!

Thanks for joining us!

Brittany Ciara

Jenn @ West Sac Honey said...

This was great! I love learning more things about fellow bloggers! That's funny you took over the blog after you two started. I never knew you were in a relationship? But then again you don't post about it. :) Details missy!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

How fun! Thanks for posting more about your life lady!

Katie said...

how fun! I need to do this!!

Kelly Marie said...

Oh this is a cute idea!! I love this!! & I totally think you should just randomly put a photo of the 2 of you up one day :)

Hutch said...

Where are you planning to move? And yes post pics!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea! I'm so glad you joined in on the fun!

As for pictures of you and your man, I understand your hesitation. Sometimes it is nice to keep some things to yourself. ;O)

Unknown said...

I swear I wasn't crazy when I thought you were moving. Maybe I just got the place wrong...or did I? Hmm, I've never jumped on one of these either, maybe I'll have to see what it's all about.

Pamela said...

I loved reading this!!

TJ said...

Aww love it! I finally have some couch time...a very rare occassion lol and am finally catching up on some of my all time favorite bloggers. So glad you are doing well :)

Kristen said...

oh this was fun!! Glad you jumped on the band wagon! I always learn about things too late! haha.

Tracie Nall said...

I'm glad you jumped on the bandwagon. It's nice to "meet" you. After reading this post I'm ready to pack up some junk food and the car and take a trip..anywhere! Sounds like fun.

On the relationship photo...do it when you are ready. If you don't feel comfortable with it yet, hold off. Even though you have now made all of us curious =)

Laura and Ryan said...

I love hearing about the background of your blog! I hope you keep blogging b/c I just love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I love reading more about you! This is such a fun post idea!