Isn't it gorgeous?! It's the upside down Christmas tree, coming in at 7.5 feet of amazing! It even comes pre-lit. You can even get it in other colors such as white or snow flocked. When I saw it standing there in the store, it was love at first sight. Then.....I saw the price tag: $550.00
What? Say it ain't so! It was on sale for $350.00 and I immediately talked myself into the, "That's such a good deal! How can I pass that up?!" conversation, but sadly I got back in the car minus the tree. I did score some really cute ornaments. However, my heart still longs for this tree. I can even envision decorating it and where I'd like it in the house for the holiday.
So if you know anyone who's handing one of these out.... let me know! I'll be the girl sitting her lusting away after it.
You're so silly girl! Upside-down trees? What's next? haaaa
I went into the cutest little Christmas shop while I was in San Diego and actually thought of you.. ;)
An upside-down tree?! That's a little crazy!!!
You should check out the Tree Classics website (if you haven't already). We just ordered a tree from there after this past Christmas, because our other one was a hand-me-down that was overdue for retirement. Still a bit pricey, but super awesome quality!
I've seen one a little less pricier than that - I'll have to find it. I'm hitting up the Christmas Mouse store at Myrtle Beach in just a few weeks - I'm ready to GO!
Yet another blog award for you - just because you're a "Sunshiny" person! ... have a great weekend!
An upside down tree? That's crazy talk. How can you hang ornaments?
That's Different!
I am TOTALLY showing this to my sister in law. She will go nuts for it!
Now you're making me wish for Christmas!
Ummm...I don't know what to say. I don't know what I would think if I walked into someones house with an upside down Christmas tree. Don't take me too seriously though because I am the girl with a huge purple Christmas tree!
Girl you need a Christmas intervention!!! :) Remind me to never let you go shopping with my hub. He uses those same excuses too (Oh, that's such a deal!!!!) :)
I love Christmas myself, but an upside down tree? No way jose! Just talking about xmas has got me excited for the fall and the holidays! Have a great weekend.
An upside down tree? hahah that's nuts! and that price tag is even more nuts!!
I too am a huge fan of Christmas, so I can see why you want another tree. I really want a white tree and I want to decorate it with pink lights and put all my Barbie ornaments on it. :)
I've only seen one upside down tree. A friend of my parents has one, then again, she has over 100 trees in her house. It's a sight to see!
I too am a huge fan of Christmas, so I can see why you want another tree. I really want a white tree and I want to decorate it with pink lights and put all my Barbie ornaments on it. :)
I've only seen one upside down tree. A friend of my parents has one, then again, she has over 100 trees in her house. It's a sight to see!
I too am a huge fan of Christmas, so I can see why you want another tree. I really want a white tree and I want to decorate it with pink lights and put all my Barbie ornaments on it. :)
I've only seen one upside down tree. A friend of my parents has one, then again, she has over 100 trees in her house. It's a sight to see!
Fake trees are so expensive!
I have never seen anyting like that! Where would the angel go? lol
I have seen them before. i saw one on someones porch. I would like to see it decorated up close
I love love love Christmas! But I really think I would need to keep my real Christmas tree around!
OMG!!! That's freaking awesome!!!!
Ok thats a weird tree.. and it would make what tree 9 for you? lol
If its meant to be it will... wait till clearance sales after the season! If you still want it then..
An upside down tree?! Actually I saw a couple of those here last Christmas. They were on sale.
Hmmmm, I'm not certain I fully know how I feel about that! Hmmmmmm. I just don't know. When you get one I want to see it all decorated! That will be nice!
aww that is so cute!! I love all things Christmas!!
LOVE it! And love your blog!
How funny! I have never even seen one of those before! It would be easier to put the presents around than the big honkin one that I have that goes to the floor but it would take some getting used to. ha! Candace
I have never seen an upside down tree. I love Christmas, but why did you have to remind me that is is sneaking up so quickly!
An upside down Christmas tree! That is crazy girlie....you crack me up....
Um where in the world would the angel or star go....LOL
How unique! I've never seen anything like it!
Maybe on black friday? I didn't even know that they made such a thing!
Maybe on black friday? I didn't even know that they made such a thing!
I can't believe you had the will power to walk away!!!
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