Friday night after work, the boy and I went and saw Dinner with Schmucks...

I thought it was funny in some parts but really annoying in others. I thought with all the hype that it was getting, that it would have been better. I personally think it would have been better to have waited for the dvd (he felt the same way) but it was good time.
Saturday when I got off work, I headed to one of my favorite stores... Hobby Lobby!! I had heard through a friend that they had put out their Christmas decorations, so I wanted to see if it was true. Sure enough, when I walked in I was greeted by glowing trees and isle upon isle's of decorations. I was in HEAVEN!

Oh, how I love it! I know some people think it's way too early to start putting out Christmas stuff but really it's only a little over 4 months away. Plus I feel that if Christmas and Christmas theme stuff makes you happy then it's can't be wrong!
However, I was a little disappointed when I realized they didn't have the tree I've been dying to get. I've mentioned it before... here. The 7.5ft upside Christmas tree. Oh how I wish I had it! They had tons of trees but no upside down ones... Christmas Tree for me, if you're out there, I'd love to receive one and do a review!! (Hey wishful thinking never hurt anyone!)
Sunday night we headed to Cracker Barrel! I love that restaurant and every time I go, I always indulge in some hash brown casserole! Yum!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!! I know I did!
I love that hashbrown casserole also. I am also concerned about seeing Dinner with Schmucks as it looks like it could be annoying and dumb. Although I do love Steve Carell and Paul Rudd.
wow Christmas in August... I'm soo not ready yet, the back to school stuff right now makes me a little sad. Being from Minnesota I'm not looking forward to winter!
Haha. Your Christmas obsession cracks me up! Most people balk at the decorations up in August...not you! As for Dinner with Schmucks, I was thinking it would be a good rental, sounds like I was right.
I think I too will wait for the DVD. Going to the movies is getting so darn expensive!
I wasn't entirely sure about Dinner for Schmucks. The hubby wants to see it but I wasn't won over the the trailer.
I loved Dinner with Schmucks! I thought it was hilarious, but I hadn't heard the hype yet and just followed my friends that were in town who wanted to see it. Don't think I woulda seen it without them, but now glad i did!
my husband and I LOVE cracker barrel and eat there far, far too often, but it's so delicious!
Girl, I love me some Christmas stuff too! I went into the Mistletoe shop when I was in San Diego. But for Hobby Lobby to be completely decked out in AUGUST sounds a bit over the top. I have to agree though, Christmas things bring me happiness and smiles, it can't be all that bad! :)
Christmas again?! My budgets not ready for that! I know you are happy though = )Hope you have a great week
the mr and i saw that movie on friday night also...i agree it was funny but it also irritated me with the part about the other girl!!!
I totally want to see that movie - I love me some Steve and Paul!
That casserole looks so super yummy! Q and I eat out like once a month and this week is our going out day. I am so excited! I will get the broccoli cheese casserole as a side dish. Yum. I can't believe you get so stoked about Christmas! Yowza!
I might start toying around with the idea of looking for some Xmas gifts next month just to help me spread out the expense of Xmas a bit.
Xmas in August? Go for it.
Ah man! I was hoping to see my name there! Christmas in August is crazy! I've heard all about this Hobby Lobby and I'm really jealous I don't have one here.
omg I don't know what has me more excited - XMAS or that casserole... wait what am I saying ... XMAS OF COURSEE
I think I'll have to take a trip to Hobby Lobby! Maybe I can finish my wrapping early too???
1) Christmas is never wrong or too early. ;)
2) I adore Cracker Barrel. I always, always get the chicken and dumplins and my one side that I MUST have is the Hashbrown Casserole. Talk about carb overload but it is so delicious!
sad to know DinnerWithSchmucks wasnt as good as they made it out to be. bummer.
and did you know that a town about an hour north of me just opened up a hobby lobby last month - my mom and i FINALLY made the trip up there! it was glorious!
I'm disappointed that you didn't like Dinner with Schmucks that much - we were considering seeing it on a date night. I think I'll take your advice and wait for the DVD. We rented Hot Tub Time Machine this weekend and it was truly dumb, but very funny at the same time. Worth watching anyway.
That hashbrown casserole picture looks soooo good - haven't been to Cracker Barrell in ages.
I love Cracker Barrel as well! it is so good!
Ive been on a no carb thing for a while now and Im drooling over that casserole!! YUMMY!! I love the actors in the movie, but my hub and I thought we should wait for the rental! Thanks for confirming!!
Oh man, one sight of that hashbrown casserole and my mouth was watering. I could eat my weight in that stuff, I swear, lol
So No on Dinner with Shmucks! - Noted.
I went and saw Salt this weekend with Angelina Jo Lee, it was actually really good. Your basic action .. no brainer but nonetheless entertaining. Still trying to decide if I have the brainpower for inception.
congrats to the winner!! so sads it wasnt me! :((
Sounds like a great weekend!
I'm have to check that movie out!! I feel like I am so behind the times ..... just saw Date Night this past weekend!
i really want to see it but i will wait to netflix it.
I was going to see Dinner with the Schmucks, but opted out for Charlie St. Cloud (which I really liked) at the last minute. I'm really glad I did.
And I can't believe the Hobby Lobby already has Christmas stuff out! It's ridiculous how early they put out Christmas stuff! No wonder all the fall stuff is coming out in the middle of summer! They have to fit it in before Christmas season, which should start in about a month.
This makes me sad. Because Paul Rudd is my boyfriend. Still want to see it, but its not getting the best reviews.
I haven't seen that movie yet, and I was bummed to see that you, along with some others didn't really like it too much. Oh well, guess I'll wait for DVD like you suggested.
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