I decided to pick up this book last weekend because I kept hearing about it over and over. I usually don't give in and get books that have a ton of hype about them. I heard that Hollywood is making a movie from the book so I decided to go ahead and read it because I figured I would eventually see the movie.
I started reading and shortly after was bored to tears. I had to fight to keep reading for the first 100 pages and that never happens to me. That's when I flipped to the back of the book and took note that it had 590 page...oh boy! Once I got past the 100 page point, it started to pick up but I felt that the final end was again boring and certain parts were predictable.
Maybe it was all the hype or maybe I just wasn't into the book but I definitely don't think it's as great as what some of the critics have said. I love to read and I thought this book was going to be awesome, instead it was a huge let down for me. Now I can't decide if I want to read the 2nd one. Granted there was about 200 pages in this one that I did find entertaining.
I'm on page 200 of that book, and I agree that it's a little hard to get through, mostly because I keep forgetting who is who! But I am enjoying the story, and I look forward to seeing how it ends.
I thought it was a decent book. I enjoyed it, but like you it took me awhile to get into it. I read the second book and it was about as good as the first one. Then I started reading the third book... It wasn't that it was a bad book, but I think I had just had enough, so I never finished it. Maybe eventually I'll finish it, but I' probably just wait for the straight to TV movie for that one :)
I felt the same exact way about The Shack. Good message or not it still has to be a good read....
It's so hard for me to really enjoy a book when i have high expectations - but i totally trust your judgment and will remember not to pick that one up. Maybe i'll just wait for the movie to come out on dvd!
I haven't read it and honestly, I've heard from several people that they thought it was severely over-hyped too. I'm glad you shared your review about this!
I haven't read the book but I saw the film. It's a slow start but ends up being excellent. Even though it has subtitles.
I've probably picked up this book 100 times at various stores...even before the hype came around, but never actually bought it. I'm sure I will give in eventually!
This book is sitting there waiting for me to finish Catching Fire and Mockingjay first. My roommate just finished the first 2 and liked them but didn't LOVE them. Also, mentioned how violent they are. Not sure how excited I am, but feel the need to read them because I have to be in the know :)
Oh man, I am currently reading it and am having to force myself to take breaks. I do agree that I had to force myself to read the first few chapters. I'm hoping the ending isn't a dud...
I feel like its going to be that way for me too! I am in more of an interesting point right now, but still not too impressed.
I really enjoyed this book a lot, I'm sorry the hype got to you before the book did. I read it before I really heard anything about it other than my boss' recommendations. I really enjoyed the series. I like the second book, and really the whole series. Is it the second or the third book that ends on a cliffhanger? I think it's the second one and it's cool because the third picks up exactly where the second one left off. If I remember the second one starts off a bit slow also, but hopefully you can get into it. Just forget about the hype and think of it as a book you've never heard of before? That's how it was for me and i really liked them.
I check it out from the library and didn't get through the whole thing in the 3 weeks I had it... but I wasnt that sad to return it either, I agree I was expecting a lot and the beginning was BORING!!
I have to admit, I liked the book, and I liked the 2nd one better. But I understand the desire to fight the hype! I was shocked I gave in!
Ohh no!!!! I can't believe you just did a review of this...perfect timing I was going to try and read this in the near future. I still will give it a shot...although maybe ill take it out of the library instead. I can't stand slowwwww books... but i too heard so many good things so ill give it a try. Ill let you know what I thought when I do! Thanks for the advice!
I just finished the 2nd one and I didn't really like it anymore. There were a ton of people in it and I couldn't keep everyone straight. I am going with over hyped!
you have to get past page 300 to really get into it! don't give up! the first book really sets the stage for #2 and #3 which are amazing!! and the movie is really good if you want a cliff notes version!
boooo.. i hate that you didnt like it!! :( i liked the 2nd and 3rd better, the 1st really lays the groundwork for them!
I read it before I got too much hype, and I loooveeeeed it.
I knew it. Thanks for saving me the time!
Now, where can I get a copy of this book? Seriously heading down to the bookstore to find myself a copy of this. Have a happy weekend sweetie!
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