I am anxious. I'm nervous and worried but also ready. In about two weeks, I'm applying for an amazing opportunity at work. The kind of opportunity that could allow me to travel and save enough money to buy the house of my dreams. This kind of opportunity only comes around in my work once a year and they only take maybe 1-2 people from each state even though thousands apply around the nation.
This is the big event that's causing me to already with that it was February. If it was February then I would already know if I got it and I could start planning the rest of my year. I'd know if I could schedule my vacations. I'd know if I was going out on the road. I'd know if I was going to be living in my own home this time come 2012.
I don't know because only time can tell what will happen in life. I need to continue to remind myself that my type A personality can't control this. The decisions that I'm waiting to hear aren't up to me. It's out of my hands. I just have to hope and pray that the outcome is what I'm wishing and hoping for non stop.
Please dear February hurry up and get here. Also, if you see any pennies, shooting stars, break any wish bones, have a birthday, etc. please make a little wish for me because I've never wanted anything more in my life! (other than to be healthy)
Don't worry, February will come all too soon and we can chat about how panicky we are! My wedding and your hopeful job opportunity! Good luck!
Best wishes! I'm sure it will all work out for you.
Oooo sounds awesome! What job is this?
Good luck!!! Go get it! :) Cheering you on :)
Good luck. I hope February brings you some amazing news :)
February will come soon... In like 3mths this year will be gone. LOL... I am so excited for you.
I am excited for you and hope you get what you are wishing for!
What is meant for you will be, and it will not pass you by!!
And yes EVERYTHING does happen for a reason.. good and bad!
Just started following your blog and I really enjoy it! Good Luck!
Its hard to wait when its something that good, but before you know it, February will be here! Good luck girlie, xxxooo
It will come sooner than you think, I can't believe how fast time has been going by.
Keeping my fingers crossed and sending you lots of good wishes!
I have my fingers crossed for you!! When you get the job, we want to hear all about it!
That's my mantra, even if it's hard sometimes!! What an exciting job opportunity, hope it all works out!
lots of luck to you!
All the best of luck to you! You are right: everything happens for a reason!
Good luck! Praying for you!
got my fingers crossed for you! february will be here before you know it!
I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for you!! :)
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I hope things work out for you and I can't wait for February too for you so you can find out!
Ohmy! I am definitely saying prayers and thoughts and hopes for you!!! I cannot WAIT to hear! Good luck, girl!!!!!!
Prayers coming your way!!!
Just gave you a blog award on my page! Go check it out: http://mariahsmile.blogspot.com/2011/01/i-didnt-know-i-was-stylish.html
That is the quote I live by! Good luck and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
scary and exciting all at the same time! i'll be praying and crossing my fingers for you!!
I hope you get it! I am moving positions at work but no travel or pay increase for me. boo. Feb will be here before you know it! I feel like summer just ended....
As much as I often hate to hear that saying, I know it's often true good or bad situation.
Whatever this opportunity is it sounds amazing and can't wait to hear the outcome! Looking for one great opportunity like that myself. :-)
Good luck and Feb will be here before you know it.
I know what you mean here! I've been waiting on hearing back on something big and it's killer just waiting and not knowing how to plan for the future.
Everything does happen for a reason. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! Happy Happy New Year!!
Wishing you all the best!!
Crossing my fingers!
crossing my fingers and wishing upon a star that you get the new job opportunity!
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