Harry: You realize we could never be friends.
Sally: Why not?
Harry: What I'm saying is... and this is not a come on in any way, shape or form- is that men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.
Sally: That's not true. I have a number of men friends and there is no sex involved.
Harry: No you don't.
Sally: Yes I do.
Harry: No you don't.
Sally: Yes I do.
Harry: You only think you do.
Sally: You say I'm having sex with these men without my knowledge?
Harry: No, what I'm saying is they all WANT to have sex with you.
Sally: They do not.
Harry: Do too.
Sally: They do not.
Harry: Do too.
Sally: How do you know?
Harry: Because no man can be friends with a woman that he finds attractive. He always wants to have sex with her.
Sally: So, you're saying that a man can be friends with a woman he finds unattractive?
Harry: No. You pretty much want to nail 'em too.
Sally: What if THEY don't want to have sex with YOU?
Harry: Doesn't matter because the sex thing is already out there so the friendship is ultimately doomed and that is the end of the story.
This is absolutely not true all the time. I have guys friends, and one in particular, who are completely straight, but we are totally NOT attracted to each other. By any means.
Untrue. If my guy friends secretly want to have sex with me they have a funny way of showing it!
I agree to a certain extent. But I can't make sense at 6:30 in the morning haha.
LOL you crack me up! I love the movie Harry and Sally and it reminds me of how much I wanna see the new movie coming out with Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman is also answers the question as True...
Hmmm I think Untrue....I mean I have guy friend besties I have had forever and I know one for sure doesn't think about having sex with me LOL....I think you know where I am going with this one and he also taught me how to cheer, do back handsprings and shop LOL....
I have had guy friend in the past that have admitted after one to many drinks they secretly like me....and I would say sober up and you won't LOL I will still be your friend....I never let it ruin it or never crossed that line....I knew if I did it would complicate and then we couldn't be friends....
I dunno I guess it just depends on the person so I'm changing my answer True and Untrue....LOL
gosh you are totally making me think this morning LOL
love ya
totally true. everyone has thought about at some point in time whether or not they would have sex with that person, which is exactly what he's saying. that true friendship cannot exist once one has judged the other based upon sex.
not what you asked, but I love this movie! i've had guy friends where nothing has happened but i believe that most of the time there is an unspoken sexual tension between friends of opposite sex.
I was able to maintain a lot of platonic friendships with men before I met my husband. Now there are some people my husband just doesn't like or trust that I have had to cut out of my life. So I'm going with untrue.
Untrue. I have a ton of guy friends and the thought of sleeping with them has never crossed my mind.
I was all about to say that this is SO not true except that the one example that I was going to use I actually remembered I had a crush on for a few months quite a few years ago.
The only other good guy friend I have is Dustin's cousin and I didn't become friends with him until AFTER Dustin and I were together - so I don't really think he counts because he's technically family.
I am sad to say that after many years on this planet and looking back on all the guy friends I have had, this is true. Something always gets in the way and someone always gets hurt. I don't think we are meant to have really great opposite sex friends. We shouldn't get too close.
I will say the sex thing can go either way, in my opinion. I have had plenty of male friends who haven't wanted to have sex with me, I assure you. But I probably at some point had an attraction to them if they did not me.
Vicious circle.
Now that I am married it is very unlikely my hubs would tolerate any dude friends, though when I was single I had plenty.
I am going with sometimes true.
Kinda true. I personally have guy friends who at some point showed me they were attracted to me but because our friendship was so strong they did not imply anything. It would have just ruined the friendship.
Best. Movie. Ever.
True. Bottom line.
Hahaha...love the movie and especially this scene! Nice pick!
When Harry Met Sally is definately in my Top 5 Fave Movies of all time! It is so great on so many different levels! I disagree that you can't have male friends. The sex thing may be there at some point, but if there isn't an attraction to one another than friendship can happen!
This is so true! LOL and I love this movie.
I'm going to say that it depends on the guy and girl....and maybe their morals? I had a lot of platonic guy friends before I got married, now we still hang out with them, but my husband is more friends with them than I am.
not true!
$75 to swimspot if you are interested!
I'm a bit random because I work with all guys but have very few guy friends. My two close male friends are both guys I've dated - not sure how that fits harry's theory.
i think its mostly true with a few exceptions!
True. Because at some point or another, I've always kinda secretly wanted it or known that my buddy wanted it.
False. I absolutely have tons of guy friends, and I swear swear swear they don't want to sleep with me, nor I them.
I'm so going to watch this movie now! Classic!
I think it is true when we're all young, but once we get older things change...
True. Under MOST circumstances.
HAHA! I love this conversation! My belief is...guys are always at least THINKING about sex...whether with you or not...sex is on the brain! Lol
First of all, AWESOME movie! I think girls will always say that it is not true, but guys will always say it is true. haha
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