You might be asking yourself who is Petta or Gale? Well folks, let me enlighten you. Peeta and Gale are two of the male, main characters in the book series, The Hunger Games written by Suzanne Collins. If you haven't heard they're preparing to make the first book into a movie. Which I prodict will turn into all 3 of the books being made into movies.
If you're a fan of the books, then you already what's coming. There's always a who will she choose senario. Who will Katniss Everdeen (the main female character) choose in the end? Well I know who Katniss picked but I also know who I would have picked from the very first moment I read the series. My choice... Peeta.
I won't tell you who Katniss chooses, you'll either have to read the books or watch the movie to find out. From the very beginning of the books I was sold on Peeta. Just can't help it. He's great, perfect and I wish he existed in real life. Oh, speaking of the movies. I started wondering who they'll cast for the role's of Peeta and Gale. After scouting around online, it turns out they haven't cast anyone yet. I thought long and hard but I can't imagine who will be either.
The film studio is trying to keep the actors around the age of the actual charcters. So the choices will be a little more limited.
I do think Jeffery Dean Morgan would be a good Haymitch. Just saying...

God he's just a hottie. Yum!
I haven't heard of those books. Obviously I must live under a rug somewhere bc they are thinking about turning it into a movie! I ll have to check it out!
I am always looking for new books to read and I love series (this way when you finish a book and think "wow, I wish there was more to this story...low and behold...there is :)). Happy Monday ! xoCatxo
Oooh he is hot didn't he play Denny Duket in Greys Anatomy hot hot hot LOL
Oooh now you have me wanting to read the books....
Oh he would be a GREAT Haymitch!
I just started Mockingjay so I don't know who she chooses yet. I feel,though, that Gale has gotten the short end of the stick. He was barely in the first 2 books. I'm not sure how much he's in Mockingjay but it's hard to be sold on him when we know so little about him (and we know so much about Peeta).
Ah, can't wait to see what happens!
I hadn't heard that they were making a movie - that's so exciting! Hopefully I'll have finished all three books by then (book two is quite difficult to find at my library).
I am in love with this series! :)
Also, while Peeta was my choice too, I couldn't help but feel sorry for Gale. I mean, had Katniss never left, they probably would have had a decent future together. (As decent a future as they could hope for, living under Capital rule, anyway...)
I am SO anticipating the movies. :)
i really need to read these books! all my kids last year in the middle school were into them and loved them!
I have heard so much about Hunger Games. I didn't even know they were a series. I am intrigued. Most all of the reviews have been great. I have a giftcard from Christmas to Borders Books, so I just might spend that up!
oh yeah! he would be a good haymitch! he can play a drunk. i'm most interested in seeing how katniss and peeta's style teams end up looking with all the crazy make up and stuff. i can't wait for this movie! is it februrary yet so we can have a katniss?
I STILL haven't read Mockingjay! It's been on my shelf since the day it came out. I really need to get on it. I cannot imagine these books in a movie at all! But, Jeffrey Dean Morgan is definitely Hot! Capital H!
I am OBSESSED with these books! A few months ago I was doing some of my own research into who would look best for what role... but I stopped because I'm afraid of being totally disappointed. I am so excited to see how it all turns out, though!
In my mind Haymitch is Phillip Seymour Hoffman, but I'd be ok with RDJ too.
Man, you are making it really hard for me to wait until they are out in paperback! I didn't know about a movie, but it will be interesting on how they film the actual Hunger Games and who they cast!
I hope to begin the series in the NEAR future! And yes, he is indeed YUMMY!
Thanks for the recommendation! I'm going to look into these books! And thanks for all your sweet comments... I always look forward to reading them :o)
Yum....definitely a hottie! And I totally want to read the books!
I just heard about those books earlier this week!!!
everyone keeps talking about this series and it makes me want to read them. Maybe after I finish what I'm reading now I'll start to get into those.
I really liked Gale at the start of the books. But I guess I was disappointed by his character at the end. I understand that after his actions, Katniss couldn't be with him, but I wish it had all worked out a little differently.
As for casting, I read a suggestion somewhere that Johnny Depp would be a great Haymitch, and I think that's pretty much a perfect idea!
You gotta love Peeta!!
Although, I hope the movie doesn't turn everyone all Team Peeta and Team Gale. Because the series is really more about Katniss anyway.
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