Friday, May 27, 2011

The Absolute Truth

If you're interested in a guy but he's not calling, texting, tweeting, facebooking or e-mailing you... then chances are he's just not into you. 

I don't care if people say that he's shy or really busy. If he likes you or he's at least interested then he'd find a spare second to reach out to you. What the silence really says, is...

I firmly stand by all of these beliefs. 


Jax said...

I.totally.agree with that too! :) I mean, even though I'm cuuuhrazy busy sometimes (b/c I have a tendency to overcommit myself but whatever), I have no problem making time for Eric. I mean, sometimes it's hard when we're both busy, but we do it...b/c we want to. You're never too busy to make time for the people/things you want to make time for. period.

Courtney said...

Girl I've been trying to tell this to my best friend who reallllly likes this guy, but he never calls or texts her! She always has to be the one to make the first text or call and she always says "well, he might be really busy with school" but she's been saying that now for a long time, and if he was interested, he would want to talk to her!

Domestically Deficient said...

Agree. I certainly had my share of not interested guys. But when I finally found Mr. Right, he texted me every single morning from the night we met until the day we moved in together.

AC Quigley said...

It's a tough one to believe in, but I think you're right!
Have a great weekend.

Hutch said...

AGREED! We need to stop making excuses for these guys!

Anonymous said...

AGREE! Totally AGREE! haha If the guy likes you, believe me.. he is going to make time for you.. no MATTER what!

I hope this post isn't about you though?!?

Claire Kiefer said...

I do too and I have come SO FAR when it comes to this! In my early 20s I totally kept dating guys who were clearly "just not that into me," but now at the ripe old age of 29, I have no use for it!

Amber said...


redheadchick said...

It's tough isn't it? I struggled with that for over a year, amazing how wrapped up you can get and not see the truth.

Deidre said...

Agreed - but that doesn't include things like jobs? and apartments? Right. I mean, they'd call even if they're NOT that into me? RIGHT? RIGHT?

Carrie said...

You know, I really love that movie. And generally I agree with everything you said.

But! It took me months to get the attention of the man who is now my husband. Sometimes you just have to persevere.

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

Totally agree. Imade excuses too until I met kelsey and realized what a good man does! Best to cut your losses & move on!

Jenni@Story of My Life said...

Preach it, sister. That is the Bible truth!

shopgirl said...

I agree. I remember seeing the author talk about his book and it was really interesting to see the audience's reaction. The women really didn't want to believe what he was saying. I guess we all have to learn the hard way.

Have a great day sweetie!

JMJE said...

Yeah, I think you are right on that one. Plus why would anyone want to be with someone who doesn't make a minimal effort.

Kerr said...

I agree. It takes 2 seconds to send a text! I hate it when ppl say they are too busy.

Unknown said...

I totally agree with this. If he was interested, then he would contact you. If he's too shy to do that, then you don't want to date him anyway.

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Totally agree with you on this!!! Enough said. ;) seriously, it's really the absolute truth. Harsh but sooo true!