I liked the movie but if I hadn't read the book I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much. I was kind of annoyed by the fact that they completely changed how a certain character was involved in their lives. It was completely different than from the book. Overall, it was good so if you get the chance go see it!
Once I left the movie, I went to one of my new favorite stores: Charming Charlie. Where I an awesome green peacock ring. It's so pretty and I liked it so much I wore it the rest of the day. I even got a few compliments on it!

I like big funky jewelry. I can't help it. Remember my ring collection? Yeah... lol. A girl stopped me while I was shopping later in Sephora and told me she loved it but couldn't wear stuff like it because she "couldn't pull it off". I looked her in the face and said, "Neither can I but I don't care what people think so I wear it anyways." I think I rocked her whole world. She looked like she was about 18.
Speaking of Sephora, I could buy that whole place out if I had the money. I needed to get a new mascara because the one I've been wearing just wasn't cutting it anymore. I ended up getting, Buxom by Bare Essentials and so far... so good!

Then of course on Sunday, I celebrated Mother's Day with my wonderful Mom, Kathleen. I got her a digital camera and she seemed to really like it! Love you Mom!! You're the best!
She's also started a blog! When she actually begins to post, I might have to give her a shout out or two! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
I love that ring!
I HATE when they change a book around to fit the movie. Without even seeing the movie I think I know exactly what character you're talking about.
I loved Something Borrowed and laughed almost the entire time. Kate Hudson's face though? SCARY
I feel like I need special places to wear big funky jewelry like that. I clearly need to get over that!!!
Wow, how can you even lift up your hand! Ha!
I want to see that movie just because of John Krasinski. Love him. I'm also a sucker for chick lit so I'd love to read the book too.
Holy moly that ring is AMAZING
Nice ring and I'd like to know about that mascara because i need some new mascara. I also want to read and see Something Borrowed.
Aw fun weekend, girlie! Was it Ethan? B/c it seems like he's in the movie previews a lot despite being in London in the book. I'm like "wait... that doesnt make sense." I just finished the book and can't wait to see the movie! Gorgeous ring and glad you had a great mom's day with your momma! Love that she started a blog! Freaking awesome!
That's a great ring, and I'm always befuddled when people say things like "I couldn't pull that off." Um, of course you could! haha. As for Sephora, it's one of my favorite places on earth. :)
Ohhh! Going to see that movie with the girls this fri! I can't wait!!
I just got new mascara yesterday and I am totally dissapointed in it. I will have to try the Buxom out next time
That ring is gorgeous!!
I am on the edge about seeing the movie. Some people have loved it, and others have hated it. I think I might just wait til it comes out on video.
I haven't seen the movie, but you can pretty much tell from the previews that they've changed it. Ethan is all over the previews, even though he's not really in the book. It just seems to me like they're trying to hard to set up the sequel.
I saw that movie yesterday with my mom and we loved it! Such a different twist to that kind of movie... now i'll have to read the books! ...and we too went to Charming Charlies so I could buy a watch but I just couldn't choose! Maybe next time!
Charming Charlie is my fave!
I try to stay away from Sephora because it's like magic land, I spend too much time and money in there, haha.
I want to see the movie, but haven't read the book. I'm looking forward to it!
The ring is awesome. I couldn't pull one off.
ooooo, i want to see that!
I loved the book and I loved the movie!
That reminds me, I still can't get over your ring collection.
i want to see that movie! I read the book too but it was a while ago, so I don't know how much I'll remember. That ring is gorgeous!!!
I was hoping you would post about Something Borrowed. I really want to see it, but my hubby doesn't, so it's nice to hear if it's good or not.
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