Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Top 5 Reasons To Be Excited About CA

This is my 600th post. Wow! I never thought I'd post that much over the years when I first started blogging! So a big thank you goes to everyone who reads. I really do appreciate all the comments I've received and all of the fellow bloggers that I've came into contact with! So what's a good way to celebrate 600 posts? Well... that's still a surprise. 
So for now how about another edition of the Top 5 Reasons to be Excited About California! If you've missed any of the other reasons why it's great to live in the Golden State you can catch up on them here

1. The Homes. If you've been to Los Angeles then you've seen some of the amazing homes in and around town. Houses can range anywhere from a million or less to high double digits. $$$ Such stunning homes! This one is Simon Cowell's house....
2. The Mechanical Bull. Ever heard of the Saddle Ranch Chop House? Well guess what... now you have. Not only can you eat a good meal and an adult beverage... you can ride the mechanical bull. It's been featured on their VH1 show and on Sex and the City. 
3. Palm Trees! I don't know what I like so much about them, but I can't get enough! They can be found all over the city and state and they always make me smile! 
4. Scott Caan. Well... well... tweeter just keeps getting better with age. While he's not filming the new Hawaii 5-0 guess where he lives? L.A!
5. The Beach! 
Have you ever been to LA? Have a suggestion on something great in the city? Let me know! 


Steph said...

Congrats on 600 posts. Are you excited about the beach? ;)

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

I think you like the beach ;)

Palm trees also make me super uber happy. Luckily I'm around them all the time!

Bel said...

Congratulations on your 600th post! Keep the awesome posts coming! :)

<3 Belly B

Tina L. Hook said...

I have never been but a good friend moved there last year and she loves it. I am so very happy for your new adventure.

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

600 Posts! Yes, girlfriend! Yes! Keep on going!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 600 my friend! Love your blog = )

Amber said...

Congrats on 600 girl!

Palm trees & beach, yes please! I wanna come visit :)

AC Quigley said...

Never been to LA but will have to add it to my ever-increasing 'to visit' list. Love your photos!

Hutch said...

Funny that palm trees aren't even native to California, they were brought in. I love them too!

Anonymous said...

and maybe I will come and visit and that will be #6 :)

Jennifer B said...

Grats on the 600th post! That's exciting!!!

Unknown said...

I saw that show about saddle ranch for the first time this weekend. I've never heard about it before that. You should go and try and get on camera!

Smiling is Good for Your Teeth said...

you must go here:

its in westwood. There will be along long line outside but don't let that deter you! Wait in the line, it goes by quickly!


Deidre said...

Have you seen the movie the Slums of Beverley Hills. It has great shots of palm trees.

Yay for California!

Llama said...

You are soooo lucky! Its going to be amazing!!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Happy 600th post!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

AHHH, THE BEACH!!!! Hope it is fantastic girl!

RobynBeazley said...

Congrats on 600 posts!!!