Maybe it was because I got up and watched the Royal Wedding last week at 4:00am. Maybe it's because I've been there twice and loved every single minute of it. Maybe it's because part of me desperately wish I could live there. I don't know what it is but I can't get enough.
I bought 4 of the entertainment magazines with features about the Royal Wedding. I've been eyeing prices on airfare and hotels with the thought of going there for my upcoming 5 day vacation. I feel that 987 dollars is still a little too much for only 3 full days in London no matter how much I am obsessed with it right now.

Even though I've got the upcoming move to California, if I was offered a job in London and a work permit, I would jump at the chance. When I was there I felt like I was home. It felt like I belonged there. I can't explain it, if you've ever felt that feeling you know what I'm talking about.

Another thing that's fabulous about England besides the amazing sites, shopping and cute accents is the HOT guys. London is full of them. Actually... this single girl would like to find a hot british dude right now. (oh yeah that's right I said it, now come find me hot british dudes). I have a friend who I met at summer camp when I was like 15 and he's from London. Here we are together... and he has a very british name of Simon.
Oh England, how I love thee...
I want to go to London so bad! I've never been... so you should move there, and I can have a free place to stay! haha
I've always wanted to go to England!
I would love to go! I've never been to London, and it's one of my top 5 places to visit for sure. I've been entranced by this Royal Wedding as well - Newsweek had a really cool feature on it this week, breaking down a ton of deets about the whole big day!
Yeah I have been pretty obsessed lately also. I kind of wish I was going there for my October vacay. I went once but I was like 17 so it was awhile ago.
Ahhhh I am obsessed too!! I seriously have been sending Nick job postings at Microsofts London campus! haha!
I stayed up until 3:45 to watch the entrance and the dress unveiling. I stayed up through part of the ceremony, passed out and when I woke up at 8:30 they were picking up with the 2nd airing of where I left off!
To me, Boston has always felt like home, even though I've never lived there. So I get that.
i totally know what you mean about feeling at home there! when i visited almost 2 years ago i had the same feeling. it's an amazing place!
I studied abroad there for 4 months. Some of the best times I've ever had. Hope all is going well with the moving prep.
I want to go back SO BAD! I went in 2000...i think it is time I made another appearance!
I would adore going to London, even for a visit. My cousin has been going to film school and working for the past couple of years. MMMMM men with accents. *sigh*
That's cool that you've been there before. I've never made it to Europe. Yeah, $1000 for only 3 days is kind of a lot. Hopefully you can eventually find an awesome deal and go back.
Sorry you don't get to go lady! I really want to visit London one day soon, it looks amazing!
we have similar things on the brain lately....
I've been to the UK five times and and it to me - it feels like home. When you want to go hunt down cute British guys, let me know. My passport and I will be waiting! :-)
Nothing wrong with being obsessed with England! So far, it seems kiiinda awesome to me! I want to go...and also want to run into Kate and Will, but that's another story... er.. Catherine and William. Whatever. ;) Cute pics, girl! (I've also been purchasing the magazines. All of them. *sigh*) PS you totally need to subscribe to National Geographic Traveler. I love it! Current issue: 50 Tours of a Lifetime!
I just emailed this post to my sweet friend Marianne who feels exactly the same way you do about London! I've been twice as well, and although I definitely love the city and culture, I'm dying to go all the places I've never been before I start revisiting places. Though lord knows I wouldn't turn down a trip!
You're a trooper for getting up at 4am!!
I've always wanted to go to England and this post just further proves that fact!
I feel about London the same way you do. I spent a fall semester there in college one year. I would live there at the drop of a hat! The Royal Wedding definitely made me think a little bit more about possibly moving someday.
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