Believe it or not, I had never seen this movie until recently. Honestly, I hadn't had any plans of seeing it either. I wasn't actively trying to watch it but when a friend kept pushing it I finally caved. I bought this movie at Target and the cashier looked at the cover of the dvd and immediately perked right up. The movie brought him out of his daze and when he started telling me how great a movie it is, I let him in on the fact that I had never seen it. His immediate response to me, "Inconceivable!"
The guy behind me in the line was about the same age as the cashier and he started the movie quotes too... "As you wish." Now if you've seen the movie you get both of these quotes but since I hadn't seen the movie, I didn't get it. Now that I've watched it, I totally get the quotes but it also made me realize those guys were total cult fans of the film. Which is perfectly ok. I'm sure if someone held up Romancing the Stone, I'd geek out and start quotes Joan Wilder. Now on to the movie plot...
The Princess Bride stars Cary Elwes as Wesley, a farm hand who falls in love with (Robin Wright) the lady of the farm. To everything she asks of him his reply is always, "As you wish". Eventually they fall in love and never want to be separated. However, to marry Buttercup he leaves to find his riches and goes out on a ship. When Buttercup hears word that his ship was attacked by a pirate who is known to never leave anyone alive she believes he is dead. Five years later she agrees to marry Prince Humperdinck. That's when everything goes crazy wrong.
Buttercup is taken hostage and the person she least expected comes to her rescue. Along the way she will have to go through a lot of challenges and maybe we haven't seen the last of Wesley just yet. I don't want to ruin the movie for anyone so watch it! It's funny and cute and a cult classic.
How have you not seen this till now? And I'm pretty sure you don't need to be a "cult fan" of this movie to start quoting it. Since I don't considering myself one, and can quote it quite easily. One of my favorites is to say to my husband, "I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!" :)
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