Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wedding Dancing! Bust a Move!

When we were planning our wedding reception we wanted it to be fun. We had this formal dinner planned but after we wanted people to be able to get out of their seats and let loose. I had quite a few friends from college fly out for the wedding and I knew they knew how to cut a rug. I wasn't worried about them blending in with all of our other guests. So when we put o the dancing music the floor was packed with people busting moves.
Dancing with our Officiate
 My Bridesmaid Cara dancing. She flew in from Texas for the wedding.

Mother and Son

We of course kept dancing together.

And then there was the real dancing...
 Everyone had to dance to the West Virginia theme song Country Roads

Our friend from college flew all the way in from Florida

Cousin Chris from Texas having a good time with the groom.

Mother in Law dance

When your in the circle.... you dance!


The dancing went over great and people had a really good time!


Crystal said...

This looks like so much fun! I always love dancing at weddings. :)

Unknown said...

Looks like everyone had an amazing time! Dancing is definitely one of the best parts of any wedding!