Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I got skills...ok, maybe not.

I beg all of you to not make fun of me... Sara over at When in Rome is having an awesome giveaway. I really want one of the prizes and to enter you must draw her dog and a cupcake. I have no drawing skills or coloring skills....I think they escaped me when I was 8 or 9. Without further ado....here it is.....click on the photo to make it bigger
Remember the blanket I've mentioned numerous times? Well I've been knitting away on it and it's finally doubled in size since the past few weeks. I mean really people...when I'm not working or working on the quilt. I'm knitting. Here is the fruits of my labor so far....

It's brown and teal. The picture does not show how big this thing actually is...it's HUGE! 

Other than all that, I'm enjoying my day off by reading, watching movies and eating junk food. Ahh, life is good. 


Sara said...

very nice! I am enjoying everyone's coloring skillz!

Jon and Steph said...

Wow, way to go on the blanket! That's looks great!

lola said...

the picture is too cute! :)

"Cookie" said...

ha ha ha ha.... the cupcake is pretty good...the dog, well, I'm glad you told me it was a dog. :)

The blanket is making good progress.

Unknown said...

OMG that drawing is a hoot! I love it:p you should be a comic strip artist for real, no joke! yay for a lazy day with books, movies and junk food...I'll be over in ten;p

Unknown said...

HAHA got a kick out of the drawing!! I am loving the blanket!!!

Katie said...

the blanket is getting really big! And I like the colors :)

HaB said...

Reading and eating junk food!!! I can think of a better way to spend a day off!

New Girl on Post said...

As a judge I have to say I cannot wait to see everyone's entries in Sara's contest.


Katie said...

I love it! I can't wait to see them all! I've only seen mine and yours so far!

The Queen of Clearance said...

sounds like life is good! That blanket looks great! The drawing is much better than anything I could do...for sure!

Samantha said...

Your blankey looks fantastic. PS: I love that dog. L0L

Shoshanah said...

That's about how my picture would look if I tried to draw one as well

Abbie said...

Looks like you and I have about the same level of drawing skills! Hshs!

Nice job on the blanket! I've tried knitting Christmas stockings and a bag...neither project is finished;)

rena said...

lol, super cute pic!