Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hello Hottie!

Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays have become my favorite days of the week since the start of.... Big Brother!

I can't help it! I love it. I watch it every summer and into the fall. This year my favorite is definitely the hunk, Lane. 
I mean seriously people, he is a HOTTIE. He's hilarious too! You lucky ladies that live in the DFW area of Texas, count your lucky stars. Maybe I should move there? Where there's one hottie, there's always more. 

From what I've seen, he's the man of my dreams. Cute, successful, down to earth and funny! Hey lane when you get out of the house, call me. Haha!

Have you been watching? Who do you want to win it? I think it's safe to say I'm rooting for Lane. If you've seen my tweets then you're already aware of my big brother obsession! 


Jenna said...

I hope Lane wins too!!

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

I've seen the local version here in the Philippines. It's one of my guilty pleasures. Hehehe

Unknown said...

you make me laugh!!! =)

i have been watching BB this season and i like lane & britney!!!

SS said...

I'm right there with ya three nights a week sistah!

I do like Lane, mostly I like his arms and his tats. :-) He may not be the brightest bulb but he does seem to be the most normal and down to earth of them all for sure. Really, the only one I think I could stand in real life.

I died when Rachel came back into the house and then got cut down and denied seeing "her man". *eyes rolling out the door and off the deck*

The rest that are left are not my favs, so I would vote for him to win too.

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

I have not watched Big Brother in FOREVER. Maybe I should!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes! I love me some big brother! Lane is my favorite too! He is so funny! :) I wonder who will win the POV tonight!?

Samantha said...

I can't get down with the Big Brother. :( sorry homie.

Unknown said...

I've never seen big brother, but I knew you watched it from your tweets. Is it worth watching?

Random Musings said...

I love him too.. He seems to be the only "real" one on the show..

Anonymous said...

I have never watched one episode of Big Brother... I didn't know it was still on.

silver star said...

I love Big Brother! Lane seems like he'll be the better choice to win compared to the others.

love jenny xoxo said...

Yay!! I love big brother!! But Lane is all yours!! He lost me with his "shoot anything with glowing eyes" game... definitely not my type of guy, I wouldn't even date a guy into hunting though :) I'm not sure who I want to win yet, but I still have Wednesdays and Thursdays on my dvr so I gotta catch up!


Brittany said...

Haha Lane is def. a cutie! I think it's that smile :)

I'm OBSESSED with Big Brother! I ruin it for myself and read the spoiler blog ;-)

I really like Britney and Enzo too. Enzo is hilarious!!