Honestly, I feel like I've become Daria. No joke. I'm lacking in serious motivation right now. I'm so over everything. I want so many different things right now, I feel like I can't think straight. I feel like I'm sinking in things that I need to do. All of my friends have moved away. I have a stack of books 22 deep that need to be read. My dvr is almost at full capacity. My google reader number is slowly getting higher and higher. My work schedule is getting chaotic.
This time last year I had at least half of my Christmas shopping done. This year... I've bought 2 things so far. This time last year I said I wanted to have all my credit cards (5) paid off and my car loan almost repaid. Um... yeah, I owe on 3 more cards and still have my loan. Granted I've paid off 2 cards and another one is almost done. The car loan... yeah I'll make that a carry over goal.
I'm frustrated too because I feel like I've lost apart of my nerve. There's this gorgeous guy... he's adorable. If I could pick my jaw up off the floor, I might actually try to talk to him. However, his amazingly good looks, perfect personality and built physique intimidate me. Frankly, I think he's out of my league so before I even speak, I think why bother why would he be interested in me.
Not to mention, I'm over the summer and ready for it to be fall. I'm tired of sweating all.day.long. Even with the air blasting, I'm sweating. I have never sweated this much in my life. I'm tired of pitting through every shirt that I wear, no matter how much deodorant I've put on.
Finally, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, so far is all hype. I'm on page 50 and it's boring. I still don't get why they're making a movie out of it. I'm hoping it gets better... Tomorrow is a new day!
Oh girl! Turn that frown upside down and remember that you are a special person. Things will work out for you.
First of all, congratulate yourself for all that you HAVE done-paying of several CC is an accomplishment. the fact that you have ANY gifts purchased is more than most, myself included!! now, about that guy...say hello! Have conversations, see where that leads. I've never met you IRL but you just seem like an awesome and fun person that I'm sure anyone will immediately recognize. I can't help ya out on the weather bit bc I feel the exact same way!!! Ahh!!
I liked the Dragon Tattoo book but I have heard multiple people say that the first 150 pages are boring and waste as well as the last 100 pages. Maybe you will get in to it more as you go.
Ah sorry to hear you are in a slump. I definitely know how that feels. and I completely agree with that book. I stopped reading it around page 50. I thought something was wrong with me. Here's to hoping you get the motivation you need and that something great comes your way this week. By the way you are way beating me on the christmas shopping and credit card stuff so you can feel a little more accomplished about that. lol
Hang in there, girl! I think we all go through times like this. And talk to him! What have you got to lose?
Hang in there, girl! I think we all go through times like this. And talk to him! What have you got to lose?
I say go for it....You should totally talk to "The Hottie" you are so pretty and um show confidence girlie and you will rock it....and you will be so proud that you did, if you don't talk to him you will always wonder "what if".....totally go for it :0)
I am so ready for fall as well this heat is blech and I laughed out loud about pitting because girl I am so with ya on that one um I can't believe I just admitted that in blogosphere hahahha
oh and my DVR is filling up to, I look at it this way when there is nothing to watch on tv I have plenty hahahah
Summer :0)
I've heard that if you make it past the first 100 pages of that book that it gets better.
Hope you cheer up soon :)
I can relate to how you're feeling. On January 1, I had a vision of what I'd accomplish this year, and I feel like I'm falling short. It's not a good feeling! I hope the change in seasons brings with it a clean slate :)
Cheer up! :)
Also, I agree about Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. I got to about that page and quit. I plan on picking it back up again and see if I can surge through, but I'm not too optimistic.
I hear you. I sweat every time I take my dog out, even if I'm only outside for 5 seconds! I'm definitely over the heat. I hope your life gets a little less chaotic soon.
Everyone has those days and months where the are in a funk. Don't worry! Just keep your eye on the goals. And sometimes you have to force yourself to do stuff even if you don't want to, it may make you happy about it in the end. And the book Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is hit or miss. I loved it, but it definitely took me about 100 pages or so to get into it. But a couple of my friends hated it. Good luck with everything!!
*hugs* I feel out of control too lately. I hope things get better for you soon. Candace
And oh yeah....talk to the guy. You are NOT out of his league at all! He just may be out of yours. :0)
That's right, there is always a new day! I am sorry you are having a rough time! Just remember, you ARE worth it and you CAN do it! Smile:)
It is true, we all get in funks from time to time. Think of it as a time to recharge your batteries. Do something nice for yourself. You deserve it.
Don't worry girl, everything will work out...just think positive thoughts : ) And just be proud of yourself for paying off what you have...such an accomplishment!
I have read the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but my co-worker said it was severely over-hyped, too.
cheer up charley!!
I'm going to come and see you next weekend, so get happy! (that is, if you plan to attend the highly anticipated Marshall/WVU game.) I know what you mean - at least once per week i feel like the ceiling is crashing down on me. On those days, I question if i've done enough - period. Have I saved enough money? Is my job good enough? Did I go to school long enough? Have I done enough to help Todd through graduate school? Can I do more? For some reason, I have zero confidence once per week. Yep, you're not alone. As for credit cards, I only have one, and because of that, it will NEVER get paid completely off! It's the go-to emergency plan.
Cheers! To a better afternoon :)
cute blog! I'm a new follower.
Daria!!!! Oh my gosh... I am laughing out loud over her right now! I had totally forgot about her! haha! Ok, so I am so sorry to be just now getting back with you on Memphis! I have been beyond busy, and I am just now looking at my blog comments! My email is atatum@varsityspirit.com. Shoot me an email, and we can talk Memphis! I want you to have a great time here, and I can give you some fab suggestions! For starters... two good vintage shops: Flashbacks and Garbos! Let me know if you want any other suggestions!
1. Paying off 2 credit cards is a GREAT thing!
2. Thinking anyone is out of your league is ridiculous. Try hanging out as friends and see what happens :)
3. I haven't read the girl with dragon tattoo yet, but I've heard the beginning is very slow and eventually gets to a point where you can't put it down.
I hope things start to turn around for you. You are a very beautiful person with a huge heart. Now let's focus on the fabulous things going on.. Don't you have a wondeful vaca to look forward to? And debt..why doesn't have it? At least you are working towards paying yours down. And that guy, he would be lucky to have you interested in him. You are in a funk and things may seem impossible right now, but they are not. Focus on what you do have control over and the rest will fall in place. *hugs*
Okay I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't understand the hype of that book. So many people have said it's great but just from the description it sounds boring to me.
I'm sorry you are feeling so down.. try to cheer up, things will get better for you!! (one good thing.. it's ALMOST fall, yay!)
Hope you get to feeling better! xoox
Ok... So I agree the Girl with the Dragon tattoo was a bit slow but keep reading its worth it!! I swear! Its sOOOOO good... I think you will like it.
On the other things there are days and even weeks/motnhs where I feel like I am in a slump. Where I am disappointed i myself on my bill paying ability and how I screwed up my life. But it will turn around. And yoiu have paid off two cards! That is great. Also I have ZILCH gifts purhcased and wilo most likely not buy my first one until Dec 20th
Keep reading it and don't listen to all the hype, that always ruins things. It totally gets better once the girl starts to come into the story. I promise it gets better. They already made a movie out of it, out of all 3, it's sweedish. I bet they are better than the Hollywood version. These books are very un-hollywood. I'm ready for it to be fall too. Have you tried the clinical deoderant? It's supposed to make you sweat less.
I have not bought a single xmas present. does that help?
oh man, I LOVED Daria growing up!
As for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.. it takes about 100 pages to get into it. I was scratching my head at first too, but then I couldn't put it down. :)
Hang in there friend. I was feeling like that a couple days ago. This, too, shall pass.
Christmas shopping OMG your making me feel bad now-no motivation here either
Sending hugs over to you!!! Trust me, I kinda feel how you might be feeling or what you might be going through. :( So, even with all this blah-cloud around us...I'm sending you some good vibes over! Fast!
hang in there girl!!1 the girl with the dragon tattoo is amazing. but you have to get to page 300 till the amazingness starts to happen! hope you had a better day!
Also, I have no motivation either. I still have part of my room to unpack and my office to unpack and my bathroom to unpack. And I'm sitting on my couch watching Dexter.
you've gotta get through at least 5 chapters of the book before it starts getting good! i'm almost done with the 3rd book. they are amazing. dont give up on it!
I hope you get out of the rut that you feel like you are in!
I do agree that the beginning of "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" is very blah. It was hard for me to get into, but I loved all of them after I made it through the boring beginning.
I'm with you! I seriously need my life to change right now and that includes getting a job, getting out of debt, moving in with Phil, getting in shape, and getting motivated! I want it to be fall, but then it makes me sad cause I don't want it to be cold winter.
No guy is ever out of your league! If he is good enough for you then he won't be a jerk if you go up and talk to him! Do it!
I think you should talk to that guy. You never know what might happen! And I hate what if's. :)
We definitely all go through slumps like this...no shame in feeling this way! We're all here for you if you need to vent!
SO MANY THINGS TO SAY! But i will leave you with this.
1. Daria is awesome for the exact reason you're saying...we relate to her because we all feel that way sometimes.
2. TALK TO HIM! (I say this because I would never have the nerve and then I can live vicariously through you.)
And if there's anything your 40+ comments can tell you...your fellow bloggers are here for you always :-D
DARIA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA This made me laugh out loud... I haven't heard that reference in AGES
Sometimes life just isnt dealing you any cards, and thats when you just have to pull out the paper and crayons and make your own darn cards!! Each time I feel myself starting to sink, or feel inadiquate..overwhelmed I allow my stubborn nature to take over. You just have to say NO, not today. This day WILL be good, because I am in control of me. This goal Ive been working toward will be my victory in the end, because I am capible of doing so. YOU ARE STRONG, just let that shine right through :) I know you can do it!
I can feel you on this one, girl. I have been there in recent days and it was hard to get myself back together! You look like you are already starting to move, so just keep going! Chin up!
As for the book, I was so excited to read it!! Sadness!
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