Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Come On Out & Play

Now that things are starting to settle down from the holiday season, I want to say hello to all my new followers out there. I've been meaning to do this post for awhile and today seemed like a good day! 

If you're a new follower or even an old one please leave me a comment so I can come visit your blog as well and say hello. If you leave a link to your blog then I can come say hello as well! I love finding new blogs to read! If you've been around Crazy Shenanigans awhile then say hi too! That way I can still make sure I'm following you! 


Katie said...

Happy 2011 lady!! I hope you have a fabulous year. BTW your such an awesome follower. I'm sorry I dont get around as much to comment, but I do read. But I love reading your comments, makes me :)

Samantha said...

Hey, HEY HEY! =)

JMJE said...

I think you already follow my blog and I've been following you for a long time but, HI!!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Well you already know me =-) Hi!

mrs.mfc said...

You already visit my blog, but HELLO!! Hope you have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Hello! <3

I need to post something like this because I have new followers since the holidays... I just need to post something.

Tina L. Hook said...

Well, I'm not new. Just stopping in to blog-stalk you as usual.

Ashley said...

I feel like this post was directed at me! ;) Ha, you know me so well. I am still around, still reading and still bad at commenting. Oops!

Allison said...

Hello! I'm still here.

"Cookie" said...

Saying "HI!" I'm an old follower of course but have gotten slack on commenting.

Unknown said...

I love finding new blogs too. It's awesome when someone posts a link to a really cute blog on their blog. Sometimes I get bored and go through other blog's comments and click on comments that are interesting and read their blogs.

Lily said...

Hey! Happy New Year! I began following your blog a couple of days ago and love it so far! I JUST started my first blog. it's nothing crazy right now. You can check it out if you'd like.


Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Happy fantastic 2011 to you!!!! :) You already know me, ;)

Lindsay said...

Hey! I'm your newest follower :) Hope you're off to a great 2011!

tootie said...

You already know me, but hello anyway! :)

Karren said...

I'm still following, I'm just horrible at commenting nowadays! Sorry!

tara said...


Anonymous said...

Hi to you!!!!!

Llama said...

Hey girl! You know me! Its the llama! hahaha!:)


Mrs. Pancakes said...

Happy new year! im a new follower. love the title...can't wait to hear about some of the crazy shenanigans!

Anonymous said...

I am not a new follower but I have a new blog! I used to be at!! :) I still read your blog every day (although I have been pretty crummy at commenting :( I promise I will be better about that!)

My new blog is

Liz Mays said...

Happy New Year!

Domestically Deficient said...

Happy 2011! I know you've stopped by Domestically Deficient from time to time. Always nice to hear from you.

Shoshanah said...

I'm so behind in my blog reading, so I know I'm a little late commenting.... but I'm here too!

Pamela said...

Hello!!! I'm here. I haven't been doing a ton of commenting lately but I'm still here!! :)

Unknown said...

Here! hehe