Is upon us and with it comes new possibilities. I've never been big on making resolutions but last year I set a few goals for myself. Last year my goals were the following: To read more. Well I read 44 books. I think that one was a success. I had never read that many books in one year of my life. The second goal I made was to pay off debt. This one was kind of a success. I started 2010 with owing on 5 credit cards and a car payment. Well now I owe on 3 cards and still have the car payment.
This years goals are simple.
-To continue reading. I never set a number goal last year. This year 50 books.
-To pay of debt! Have no credit card balances.
-To SAVE, SAVE, SAVE. I want to buy my dream home.
I also have another goal but I really don't want to talk about it on here until I know for sure or not if it's going to be a possibility. Around February I'll finally be able to talk about it. Until then, please cross your fingers and send me all your good luck!
those sound like my goals. Would love to pay off all my credit cards.
I like the idea of setting goals for the new year instead of resolutions. Somehow it just seems more positive.
paying off debt is one for us too!
i love to read as well...but, i was a slacker this year -- big time!!!!
happy new year to you friend =)
Good vibes being sent your way...
im your new follower...nice website...love the title!
Wow, you sure did read a lot of books in 2010! I wish I had more time to catch up on my reading list. =) Happy Holidays!
Great goals lady! I'm very slowly paying off debt but I also have A LOT of student loans which I feel will NEVER be paid off.
Happy New Year!! Sending my best wishes to your goal-meeting :-)
I guess I should have selected paying off my credit cards for my New Years Resolution too. Instead, I picked learning photography on my super camera which is a credit card burden in and of itself heh heh
Way to go on hitting your resolutions!!!! I will be working on paying off debt this year too... I think 2011 will be a great year though, debt or not!
I am trying to resist the need to beat myself up for miserably failing at all my goals I set for 2010. I cant even go read the post! It's that depressing! Anyway I am happy you have made a ton of progress! & I will definitely be keeping my fingers crossed for you lady! :)
I have high hopes for 2011!
And those sound like great goals to have! Best wishes for you in the new year!
Fingers crossed here. Your goals sound like a great road to go down for 2011.
Paying off debt is a fantastic resolution. I'm sure you've already looked into plans, but I'm a fan of the Dave Ramsey system. We don't follow it to a T, we just take the basic principles and make them work for us - our way. :) Just a suggestion in case you're looking for some structure.
Reading more is always on my list! This year will be a challenge compared to last year, though. I only got 4 new book for Christmas! Usually I (once you count what I buy with Christmas money/gift cards) start off the year with a dozen or more to sort of front-load my reading list. I feel like I'll have to play catch up!
Do you keep a book list? I would love to hear what you are reading.
My goals are to SAVE SAVE SAVE!!!!
And make more money! Man- that is really the source of most of my stress lately.
Hope you had a great xmas sweetie!!
Sounds like some awesome goals. We'd like to pay off some debt too...don't know that we can do it all in one year, but I want to do as much as we can.
I never stick to my goals but all I know is my 2011 will be a lot different than this past year. I'm already working on it. ;) You know how. ;)
And yes, sometimes mentioning all of your goals or resolutions isn't the best...they may not come true. Just like wishes!!! ;)
Happy belated Merry Christmas girl.
Enjoy the last few days of the year!!
I'm already wishing you good luck! Those are great goals, and it's good to see that you kept the goals from last year.
the ugg boots totally sealed it were besties LOL
I will cross my fingers toes and eyes for ya that everything works out
what great goals, you sound like the hubs he loooooooooooooves to read, I like to read twilight hahahah
ok so you totally paid off some of your credit cards so I say success LOL
That's so mysterious... It makes me even more intruiged (spelling - whatever, I just worked nine hours, I'm too lazy to Google). Well, I will definitely keep my fingers crossed.
You reading 44 books has me inspired! I used to read all the time, but now I am in the middle of 3 books and haven't read any of them for months so I'll probably need to start all over!
Good luck with the paying off debt...I'm working on that too!
Congrats on your accomplishing your goals in 2010. LOVE your new ones too. Thanks for being transparent and inspiring me Jen. Happy New Year!
yay!! We are on that same "trying to pay debt" path.. but now we have hit a bump in the road..ha ha.. to say the least. The new year is really exciting though! I WILL GET TO MEET YOU!!!
These goals are definitely on my list as well! I know you can do it sweetie! Fingers crossed for February! :)
GL on your 2011 goals!
I like your goals. I definitely need to read more books this year too. I have a hard time deciding on what to read. I also want to save more money.
What a great post!!!
Good luck with all your goals! I've been trying to come up with a book goal for 2011 and have been leaning towards 50.
I love your goals!! Your last two are also on my list as well. Happy New Year!!
happy new year!!!
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