Now you're probably wondering where the FAIL part of the title comes into place. Oh, just wait! It's coming!
So yesterday I enjoyed the tree lights, the ornaments hanging, etc. I go to sleep with everything alright. I wake up, come downstairs and there's my real tree laying on the floor. Ornaments were scattered all over the living room floor, gold glass from the broken bulbs was sparkling everywhere and to top it off I was barefoot. I thought, "Oh my God the water!" The carpet was soaked.
We got the tree standing back up, picked up all the ornaments, vacuumed up the broken glass and assessed the damage. 3 broken bulbs and 3 broken ornaments (all of which are irreplaceable). Now the real question is, Will the tree fall over again? We tightened the screws in it and it seems to be more sturdy. I've been watching it like a hawk all day but I have to go to work later. I really hope I don't come home to a fallen tree. If it does, I'm literally stripping what's left of the ornaments on it and throwing it out into the yard. Me 0 Grinch 1
Here's a picture of what it looked like post recovery. The tree skirt is missing because it was getting dry outside.

A lot of you are wanting to see my two candy theme trees. I promise that I'll post pictures of them this weekend. I've already posted pictures of 1 of them when I first put it up. Since then I've added more ornaments but to get an idea of what it looks like go here.
Oh nooooo! I'm sorry your tree fell over! I'm jealous you got a real one, I LOVE real Christmas trees.
oh nooo. i had that happen one year. except it was the cat's fault. pine needles were e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.
i hate that for you!!!
when i was growing up...several of our 'real' trees fell over and it was a disaster!!
we ended up having to tie it to the celing w/fishing line so it wouldn't fall over....ha. ha.
but, the tree looks great :o)
Sorry your tree isn't working out! I don't even think I am going to put mine up! No fun without Joshie
Sorry hon =(
That tree is so pretty!! I hope it doesn't fall again!
That is awful! I'd cry.... I have my fingers crossed....
I'm sorry your tree fell over :(
Oh my, I actually had a situation like that before too! For what its worth your tree looks very pretty and festive!
My parents bought a real, 13' tree that broke the stand after we had decorated the whole thing, painstakingly for 6 hours. It was so bad, because the floord were hardwood. We decided it was going to be too much trouble to redo all the work. I mean the tree took 6 people to get it in the house and the tree had broken! So we had to chop it up inside the house to get it back out and use it for firewood. There's now a 13' prelit fake tree in it's place!
This is so beautiful.
Oh no!! When I was little my cats would always play with the ornaments and we were worried they would pull it over.
boo about your tree, it's beautiful though!
Oh that stinks! I hope it stays up too! It looks awesome though :)
I hope it doesn't fall again!!!
Real trees are awesome to have but getting into the damn stand and straight is hard! Especially with a fat tree like yours. We spent years trying to get trees straight only to have them fall when we turned around. We now have fake trees.
Oh noooo! What a mess!!! Hope it stays standing!
Having a tree fall is a disaster! We had that happen once, and then for the life of us couldn't get the darn thing to stand up straight, so we just scooted it round and round until it seemed semi-straight!
Your tree looks so pretty with the lights and decorations!!
awww so sad! i think fake trees are hard enough, so i can't imagine the trouble with a real one!
looks good though!
i hope your tree stays up hun!!
it looks very pretty!! looking forward to seeing your final candy trees!!
i remember when i was younger we had a tree that always tipped, my dad ended up screwing the tree stand right into the ground (carpet)!! ha!
Oh no!!!!! Bless your heart, I am so sorry that it fell!! It looks beautiful though!!
One year our tree fell and my parents' "first christmas' ornament broke. My sisters and I tried to "repair" it (we were young) with felt and tape. It looks terrible but still gets hung every year!
Omg! I know exactly how you feel. Our first Christmas on our own, we bought this huge (like 13 ft) tree because we had these really high ceilings. We had it all decorated and perfect. Nate went down to the basement to get the rest of the decorations, I was upstairs in the other room doing stuff, and all of a sudden CRASH! The entire tree fell over, breaking almost all of the ornaments, and got sap alllll over everything. I just burst into tears. No fun. :-/
I love the pickle. We always have one on our trees in my fam!
so tragic. I am so sorry this happened!!!!
Thats a beautiful tree!!! We still have to get our real one! I hope it doesn't fall over again!
Wow 3 trees?! Amazing. Then again, I'm sorry your tree feel over. :( Are real trees telling us something? Like, do not use me or I will collapse?! ;) But this tree does look cute, so that's a good thing. :D
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