This was my hair May 2010...

I had just left the hair salon.
Probably right after that day I decided I wanted to grow my hair out. I had my work cut out for me since I had it cut short. Later in August I had it low lighted to match my grown out color and left the length. The same thing again in December.

This was on Christmas Day 2010
As you can see it's grown and the color is a little bit more brown. I'm way more happy with my hair than I have been in awhile but I am thinking about putting layers back into my hair once it gets a little bit longer. I probably won't be going back to the salon till around March. I like that I don't have to go there every 3 months anymore. Shew!
I think you hair looks really good in the Christmas picture. I have been growing my hair out for awhile now too.
OH I love that you are doing this! I have been highlighting my hair for so long now I am no longer sure I can remember what colour it really is??
I like it!
I am continually trying to figure out what direction I want my hair to take. I love my stylist - she never gave me a bad haircut, but she's expensive! Currently, I'm growing it out to donate to Locks of Love ...
I like it! But I always favor a darker tone.
it looks really nice long and with the darker color- much more natural! plus it's a lot easier on your wallet to not have to keep getting it highlighted. :)
I got rid on my blonde in college by dying it dark brown..darker than my own color. It ended up fading just a little to my natural color. Then I couldn't leave it alone & used color from a box to hiligh again. I'm still growing it out! But now I have grays...gross!
I think your hair looks great now!
I will really miss my stylist when I leave Athens, she's the only one i've ever had that knows how to deal with my thick hair. I've never left her shop unhappy - i actually leave there super giddy and happy!
Good luck - hair is something I'm always wanting to change about myself. I like it longer in the cold months!
I highlighted for a while and finally had to stop bc it got so expensive. I think your hair looks great now!
I love it. The color, the length..everything. looks great girl.
I have been growing out mine since I cut off 19 inches in april 2009. So much work. Haha
Looks great! I am getting all my hair chopped off soon...I am nervous!
I love long hair so I say go for it! I think low lighting is a great idea!
i like it better now!!! looks great and more natural!
Love your hair in the Christmas pic it the lowlights added to it! girl i feel ya on the price of highlights....before I got sick I got chunks put in my hair every 3 months and they were like 15 dollars a foil totalling a whopping 90 bucks every three months geezy peezy....when I got sick and new I had to start chemo I took it back to my natural color dark dark brown and left it that way until I get well....I will go back to highlights once my hair thickens but I sure do enjoy the price break look gorgeous with really blonde and darker blonde them both
Your hair has grown super fast!! Love the color and layers are always nice because they create movement in your hair and lighten it up if you have thick hair like I do!
you can definitely pull off the no highlites, but I think my natural hair color is too mousy to do without. I have been trying to spread out appts though.
Looks great!! I too am desperately trying to grow out my hair, but it grows soooooo slowly!
Lookin' good!!! I'd love to cut mine but takes longer to grow out as we! xoxo
Lookin' good! I'd love to cut mine, but truth is it takes longer to grow out as we age. SUCKS! I'm afraid if I cut it, it will stay that way and I'll regret. Then again, I'm a big scaredy these days, it seems. lol xoxo
Yup, I eased up on the color a few years back and it has save me a small fortune. Yours looks great both ways, btw.
Looks great! I like being my natural color once in awhile. ;)
I'm growing mine out too! I am too young for a bob! lol!
I dyed my hair back to darker because the blonde was just too hard to keep up on! I don't know how regular blondes do it!
I love your hair in the Christmas picture! I swear I could do a post identical to this...only mine would be about the search for the perfect shade of brown!
I like you hair, I think it suits you! Mine used to waist-length, but at end of November I got it chopped off, and I LOVE it! :)
I get my hair cut around ever 6 months. I have a lot of layers in my hair, and it's really long right now. My hair is so thick that I have to have it thinned like crazy! I've never dyed my hair though. I like the little darker blonde on you, it looks good!
My hair has changed so much since I was little too! I love the color your hair is now! I wish I was a blonde! Gorgeous!
It looks great both ways, but it looks better long! I am growing out my hair too!
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